
Blog Post #10

   I have learned how to use navigation buttons to make PowerPoints more interactive for the viewer. This assignment was relatively easy, one thing I found more annoying than difficult was having to repeat the same step for each slide. It took at least ten minutes to just add the "home" navigation button to each slide. If I did the project again, I could probably make it a little more detailed, I made my project fairly simple. This was a cool assignment to do. I remember being a student in grade school and wondering how my teachers were able to make their PowerPoints do special things, now I know how they did it! (Below are a few of my slides from my project.)     I could use data collection tools to gather a variety of information from my students and the parents of my students. Depending on the age of my students, that would also depend on how I could use data collection tools on them. Kindergarteners would most likely not be able to do surveys but I think this would be a g

Blog Post #9

     I have thoroughly enjoyed this class! The things we've learned this semester have been very interesting. I appreciate how we learned how to do specific things that teachers do in their jobs regularly. I would say there's nothing I dislike about this course. If I become a teacher someday, I will try and understand each of my students' home lives to know how to benefit them and their academic lives the best way I can.      Open educational resources are free resources that are available to all students, parents, and teachers. These resources are great for low-income families and schools. OERs are a way to allow some amount of equity among all U.S. grade school students. This article talks about the pros and cons of OERs.     Assignment 4 was definitely the most difficult assignment

Blog Post #8

    I acquired the skill of putting a Google calendar onto your own website, I didn't know that you could do that. I made sure that the colors I used in my website looked well together. I also made sure that I only used two or three fronts on the whole website. I liked making hyperlinks for my pretend classroom website for different resources my pretend parents and students could use. In any future career, it will be helpful to know how to make a. website. Whether you're a teacher, a business owner, or an employee at a company, it is helpful to know how to make a website.     I don't use AI tools that often. I think they are interesting and can see how they would be helpful for a teacher and many other careers. I also understand why people don't like them because they lack the special touch of a human. It can also cause humans to have a lack of knowledge for whatever they're doing because they're letting AI do the work

Blog Post #7

    On the website I looked at, I was able to see several different sections on just one teacher's page. The teacher page had a welcome page, a meet the teacher page, an announcements page, and a few other pages as well. I can tell this website would be very helpful for parents and students. One page that I thought would be very helpful is the "assignments" page. I know this would be very helpful for parents as well as students, so both parties can stay informed on what and when assignments are due.     I see myself using technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities by possibly starting my own website depending on what career I go into. I am thinking about possibly becoming a speech pathologist. By becoming a speech pathologist, I might want to make a website for my private practice of speech pathology and this website can help me boost my business. This website could help with booking appointments, as well as providing

Blog Post #6

         In my initial experience using Diigo, I was a little confused. I didn't fully know the purpose of it and was confused why were were using it for this class. I now understand why we use it in this class and might start using it in my other classes when I have to use sources for a project. I like how you are able to highlight and comment on specific parts of a website when using Diigo.       I have never blogged before this class. I enjoy it and like how I can share my thoughts with like minded people- such as as my classmates! I don't know if I have learned anything yet that I didn't know about blogging before beginning this class. I enjoy being able to comment on things we learn in class through this blog.      I might use ClassDojo in my classroom as a teacher. It is a way for teachers, students and parents to be aware of the student's behavior at school. As the teacher I can give the students points for being well behaved, doing well on assignments, or helpin

Blog Post #5

    I think I got Instagram when I was in sixth or seventh grade. I started following family members, friends, and celebrities. Since I first got Instagram, I still follow my family members, friends, and a few celebrities, but also regular people who base their content on certain subjects that I find interesting. I follow a few different teachers and other people who have careers that have to do with children. These accounts help me gain a better understanding of what career field I might want to go in because they give honest information about the pros and cons of the different careers they are in.           The digital divide can definitely harm students. If the administration and teachers aren't aware of the lack of technology access some of their students might have, these students' academics could be severely affected by the digital divide. As a teacher, it would be very important to be aware of the technology access my students have outside of the classroom and have that

Blog Post #4

      One of the ELA technology standards for grades K-2 is to be able to search up key words and discuss the findings to classmates and teachers by email or other messaging system. I feel prepared to implement this standard in my own classroom. I know how to do this standard myself, and I feel confident that I would be able to teach this to my students. I also think by the time I am a teacher,  K-2nd grade students will be somewhat familiar on what email and search engines are.      The resources provided on this website will be very helpful as a teacher. One of the suggestions for an activity given to kindergartens when talking about their "strengths" is giving the students poster boards and listing and discussing the student's strengths. This sounds like a fun activity for the students and it wont take the teacher too much time to prepare. These different suggestions for how students can learn these different standards will be so helpful when a teacher has no idea how