
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blog Post #6

         In my initial experience using Diigo, I was a little confused. I didn't fully know the purpose of it and was confused why were were using it for this class. I now understand why we use it in this class and might start using it in my other classes when I have to use sources for a project. I like how you are able to highlight and comment on specific parts of a website when using Diigo.       I have never blogged before this class. I enjoy it and like how I can share my thoughts with like minded people- such as as my classmates! I don't know if I have learned anything yet that I didn't know about blogging before beginning this class. I enjoy being able to comment on things we learn in class through this blog.      I might use ClassDojo in my classroom as a teacher. It is a way for teachers, students and parents to be aware of the student's behavior at school. As the teacher I can give the students points for being well behaved, doing well on assignments, or helpin

Blog Post #5

    I think I got Instagram when I was in sixth or seventh grade. I started following family members, friends, and celebrities. Since I first got Instagram, I still follow my family members, friends, and a few celebrities, but also regular people who base their content on certain subjects that I find interesting. I follow a few different teachers and other people who have careers that have to do with children. These accounts help me gain a better understanding of what career field I might want to go in because they give honest information about the pros and cons of the different careers they are in.           The digital divide can definitely harm students. If the administration and teachers aren't aware of the lack of technology access some of their students might have, these students' academics could be severely affected by the digital divide. As a teacher, it would be very important to be aware of the technology access my students have outside of the classroom and have that

Blog Post #4

      One of the ELA technology standards for grades K-2 is to be able to search up key words and discuss the findings to classmates and teachers by email or other messaging system. I feel prepared to implement this standard in my own classroom. I know how to do this standard myself, and I feel confident that I would be able to teach this to my students. I also think by the time I am a teacher,  K-2nd grade students will be somewhat familiar on what email and search engines are.      The resources provided on this website will be very helpful as a teacher. One of the suggestions for an activity given to kindergartens when talking about their "strengths" is giving the students poster boards and listing and discussing the student's strengths. This sounds like a fun activity for the students and it wont take the teacher too much time to prepare. These different suggestions for how students can learn these different standards will be so helpful when a teacher has no idea how

Image Attribution

  " IMG_1946 Silly Cat " by  Daniel^-.-^Wvforge  is licensed under  CC BY 2.0 .

Blog Post #3

     I think what I would focus on the most in my classroom regarding copyright and fair use topics is the ethics behind it. Why is it important to follow the rules behind copyright and fair use? I hope that this could help my students understand the actual reasoning behind following these rules instead of just following the rules because I said so. I have learned that citing your sources sometimes isn't enough when using someone else's creation. I am definitely interested in how we will be able to detect plagiarism going forward as technology gets more and more advanced and students get more tech savvy.      In my future classroom, I hope I will be able to implement solutions that will help increase productivity. When I was in grade school, it felt like my teachers gave us homework all the time. My class will not be assigned homework. While you're at school you will work hard on the work that is assigned. As long as you put your time to good use, you will be able to finish